Dayang Bunting is the second largest island in Langawi’s cluster of 99 islands. It’s located offshore and south of the main island, and can easily be reached by a boat. So why is this island so famous? The literal meaning of its name is ‘Island of Pregnant Maiden’. And it has a wonderful large fresh water lake (known as Lake Guillemard) surrounded by hills having dense rain forests. The lake too is known as Lake of the Pregnant Maiden.
The legend says that a man named Mat Teja met and fell in love with the princess Mambang Sari at the lake. They eventually married and the princess gave birth to a son. However their son did not live long and soon died. Having reconciled with their misfortune, they decided to lay their son in the water of the lake and allow him to rest in peace. The gracious princess also blessed all women having difficulty in conceiving a child. They would become fertile once they take a dip into the water of the lake.
Although not proven scientifically, this remains as a strong belief within the locals. To add to the mystery that surrounds the island and the lake, if you take a look at the hills that forms the backdrop of the lake, from an angle it looks like as if a woman is lying on her back and the belly bulging out like that of a pregnant woman.
An amazing thing about the lake is, although it lies very close to the sea and separated by only a thing strip of rocks, it is a fresh water lake. Once you reach the island, there is a narrow jetty and then a concrete narrow pathway that leads up to the hills through the forest. After about 10 minutes of climb along steps on the hill, there are some 100 steps that leads down to the beautiful lake on the other side of the hill. The lake has deep blue waters.
As you walk through the pathway, be careful about the monkeys. They do not usually reach any harm or attack you. But if you carry food or packets, monkeys are likely to pounce and snatch them away. So do not carry any food or drinks with you, neither try to feed the monkeys. They may still look at you curiously, but won’t create any problems.
There are actually several attractions and activities here. A large map is put up on a board marking all the attractions available at Bunting Island. Here are the main ones:
1) The lake is great for swimming. There are designated areas (pontoons) for swimming though. However watch out the depth. Average depth is about 10 meters and there is no shallow area. It’s not meant for novices. There are no changing rooms. So if you plan to swim, come wearing a swimming suit inside and carry towels.
If you are not confident, take a life jacket from the stall next to the lake and float around. The stall also sells other souvenir and gift items. The water at the lake is unaffected by seawater and therefor good for swimming. However it may not be very clear.
2) Take a solar operated paddle boat or a kayak available on rent and boat around the scenic lake. Mangrove swamps surround the perimeter of the island and the lake. We love the solar operated paddle boats as you hardly tire as you boat around. The view of the hills surrounding the lake is awesome.
3) Close to the stall, a separate water area has large number of catfish. So just dip your legs, soak in the scenic views and enjoy a natural fish spa on your legs for few minutes. It’s a great feeling!.
4) There is a boardwalk that goes around the lake (for about half way). Take a walk along this pathway and enjoy the magnificent views of the lake from various points. The boardwalk goes through the mangrove forest. There are over 90 species of birds here including hornbill, kingfisher, woodpecker, kite, drongo etc. The animal life includes monkeys, large number of insects and monitor lizards. You will find many colorful butterflies as well.
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