
Bukit Hijau is located in Hutan Simpan Gunung Inas. This place is known because of Lata Bukit Hijau. Lata Bukit Hijau has its own unique character that can attract the attention of visitors. It famous for its amazing seven-level cascading waterfalls that create seven pools of cool, refreshing crystal clear water.


bukit hijau        496443

Apart from Lata Bukit Hijau, we also have the opportunity through forest trails through Hutan Dara 3km towards Gunung Inai is 1454m high.This trail will take us to the Gunung Bintang Utara (15km) or Bukit Baubak (15km). Bukit Hijau also has a variety of flora species such as Meranti, Seraya, Shorea Leprosula (Meranti Tembaga), Shorea Macroptera (Meranti Melantai).

f IMG_1072 kayuIn 1997, the Lata has won the competition landscape in the category of agricultural / forest organized by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism. Lata have been classified as forest research and education.


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